Monday, 10 November 2008

The 11+ Test


I haven't written for a long, long, long time.
But now I finally have something to write about.

I did my 11+ test for grammar school on Saturday 8th, and now I'm soooooo scared.
I actually did two tests so it's not the 11+ test it's actually... The 11+ tests.

On the first test, I had a few questions left but...
On the second test I finished AND had time to check over :)


sallywrites said...

Well done Little Gymnast!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will have done absolutely brilliantly. Not long to wait...

D. :)

ChrisB said...

That sounds impressive to me. I feel sure that you will do well so good luck. You'll have to post again once you've got the results.

Anonymous said...

Well good job Little Gymnast I'm sure you did awesome!

Laura-1998 of Fairyland said...

Note to self: Never get hopes up too high :(