Sunday, 29 July 2007

The Kids Win!

Yesterday, after a long day, Tinkerbell mushroom got out the monopoly and asked “Can we have a quick game of monopoly?” Tinkerbell Mushroom, Sensible, me, Mum and dad played. I was the boat, Tinkerbell Mushroom was the dog, Sensible was the top hat Mum was the shoe and dad was the car.

After a few goes round the board EBOB (eldest brother, only brother) started to help Tinkerbell mushroom, they got richer and richer she bought loads of places and with that help, EBOB & Tinkerbell Mushroom drove Mum out of the game.

After a while Sensible gave up, her inheritance went to Tinkerbell Mushroom and she joined Tinkerbell Mushroom & EBOB.

I started to worry about my money so I gave up, my inheritance went to Tinkerbell Mushroom. And so I joined Tinkerbell Mushroom, EBOB & Sensible as a team.


sallywrites said...

And a good win it was too!

sallywrites said...

I gave you an award today on my blog LG!

headless chicken said...

It sounds as if your poor Mum was a bit out-numbered!
Congratulations on your award!:)

Beccy said...

That's sounds a bit unfair but totally justifiable in order to WIN!

Akelamalu said...

Hi Little Gymnast - welcome to blogging! :)

ChrisB said...

Well done on your award. I can see your mum is going to get some competition now you are blogging!!

Laura-1998 of Fairyland said...

THANKS EVERYBODY!♥!♥!♥!♥!♥!♥!♥!

Mischief Monkey said...

Hi my name is Moll!e my mum(beccy) told me about your blog!!

Mischief Monkey said...

how do u do the hearts?!?!?!?!

Laura-1998 of Fairyland said...

♥to do the hearts you press 'alt 3 (let go)' ( but not the 3 on top the one at the side)♥